I am a public space scholar and a passionate activist, a cultural entrepreneur, and an academic. My expertise is grounded in extensive academic postdoctoral research and teaching in Italy and Europe, the United States, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia, as well as more than twenty years of professional practice as an urban designer focusing on public space.
Through my Italian non-profit organisation City Space Architecture, which I founded in 2013, I am fully committed to promoting public space culture on a global scale, working in partnership with UN-Habitat, universities, and leading institutions worldwide, engaging large audiences. I have
I hold a strong record of academic publications, in Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese. I have been the recipient of prestigious grants and awards, such as the Marco Polo Scholarship granted by the University of Bologna and hosted at the University of California Berkeley, College of Environmental Design (2012) and the Australia Endeavour Executive Award, the Australian Government’s internationally competitive, merit-based fellowship program aimed at bringing leading researchers and professionals to Australia, hosted at the Queensland University of Technology, School of Design (2018). I have served as a speaker at major international conferences in more than thirty countries.
As always Luisa – you are on FIRE! And an inspiration.
I am honoured to work with someone with such an incredible reach, collaborative generosity and inspiring vision and who never tires.
Fiona Hillary
Program Manager, Art in Public Space
RMIT University, Australia
You taught me the true importance of public spaces and the role they play on the human psyche. In a world governed by self-interest, it is crucial for universities all over the world to impart to their students the necessity of the existence of high-quality public spaces and you have gone above and beyond the call of duty to communicate such an existential concept to your students. I have become a true fan of your crusade for better public spaces.
Babak Shakiba
Master student, University of Florence
My personal congratulations to you for all ideas, from the very first one – that this world needs City Space Architecture – and, in particular, for your amazing stamina. I feel really proud for being part of your projects since that inspirational start in Bologna in 2014.
Darko Radovic
Emeritus Professor
Keio University, Japan
Your worldview about the human value of public space and your personal warmth uplifted us, Luisa, at a time when feeling uplifted is a precious, if not rare, quality.
And you! What a pleasure it was to meet you. I am still shaking my head when I look at the list of your accomplishments and your current endeavors.
Warmest thanks on behalf of all the students in University in the Community and a very special thank you from me.
Joanne Mackay-Bennett
Coordinator, University in the Community
Toronto, Canada
Big shout out to you Luisa for your leadership, creativity, and productivity!! All these initiatives are super interesting and important. It is not easy to accomplish them without tremendous amount of work behind the scenes, especially at these extraordinary times.
This is amazing! Thank you.
Zhixi C. Zhuang
Associate Professor and Director, DiverCity Lab
Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
Congratulations on officially signing the agreement with UN-Habitat. I can’t help but feel proud of your achievements that I have watched flourish through the past years. You really inspire me greatly.
Joumana Stephan
Architecte | Doctorante en Architecture
Université Libanaise UL – EDST
- 2008 / Ph.D. in Building and Territorial Engineering, University of Bologna (Italy). Thesis in Contemporary Urbanism titled: “Public versus private: the fickle search for a plan for the urban well-being” (written and defended in Italian).
- 2001 / MSc five-year degree, marks 100/100, in Architectural Engineering, University of Bologna (Italy). Thesis in Urban Planning and Design titled: “A perspective of urban regeneration: a case study in Ascoli Piceno”. The graduation thesis was made publicly available through an exhibition in the city of Ascoli Piceno (May 28-June 4, 2002), with the patronage of the Municipality of Ascoli Piceno and the support of the Province of Ascoli Piceno, curated by Luisa Bravo. The project was then included in the publication of the Province of Ascoli Piceno, celebrating the 50th anniversary of its foundation under the patronage of the Presidency of the Italian Republic and the President of the Chamber of Deputies, in the section “Perspectives” (2004).
- 1997 / Member, as Student Researcher and Urban Designer, of The Prince of Wales’ Urban Design Task Force (London, UK) in Beirut and Sidon, Lebanon, July 26-August 23, for The Prince of Wales’ Institute of Architecture (POWIA – currently known as The King’s Foundation), invitation letter by Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, in collaboration with the American University of Beirut, under the supervision of the POWIA Projects’ Office.
- 1996 / Participant, as Student Researcher and Architectural Designer, of the Cours d’eté de la Garenne Lemot for CEPIA – Centre d’Etudes sur le patrimonie et l’Italianitè en Architecture (Nantes, France), promoted by Conseil General de la Loire Atlantique – Direction du Development educatif, culturel et des transports, Clisson, July 22-August 17.
- 2018 / Australia Endeavour Award funded by the Australian Government, Department of Education and Training, on a competitive basis, and hosted at Queensland University of Technology, Faculty of Creative Industries, School of Design (Australia).
- 2016 / AAG – American Association of Geographers (USA), Enrichment Fund.
- 2013 / Best Paper Award from IFoU – International Forum on Urbanism (Netherlands), conference “Creative Renaissance” held at Cheng Kung University (NCKU), College of Planning and Design in Tainan (Taiwan). Paper title: “The city as an extended network of public spaces: reconnecting the spirit of place and time through modeling of old realities and new virtualities”, co-authored with Simone Garagnani.
- 2012 / Marco Polo scholarship awarded by the University of Bologna (Italy), on a competitive basis, and hosted at the University of California Berkeley (USA), Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IURD), College of Environmental Design.
- 1997 / Municipality of Ravarino, Modena (Italy), Award, second prize. Design competition for a new square.
- 2024 / Curator for the section “Public Space / Relations” of the Biennale dello Stretto, promoted by Atelier Alfonso Femia and 500×100.
- 2024 / Expert evaluator for the European Commission for the Horizon Europe program, “HORIZON-CL2-2024-DEMOCRACY-01-08: Culture, the arts and cultural spaces for democratic participation and political expression, online and offline”.
- 2023 / Expert evaluator for the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).
- 2022-2023 / Expert for the European Commission for the research project “Public spaces as spaces for citizen engagement”,
- 2022-2024 / Member of the Board of Experts of the European Prize for Urban Public Space promoted by CCCB: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (Spain).
- 2022 / Member of the Scientific Committee of the Timisoara Architecture Biennale (Romania), promoted by Beta City under the theme “The City as a Common Good”.
- 2020-ongoing / Expert evaluator for the Fulbright Commission (USA).
- 2019-2021 / Member of the curatorial team of the Italian Pavilion at the 17. Venice Architecture Biennale, under the theme “Resilient Communities”.
- 2019 / Member of the Scientific Committee of the book series Poliédrica (Spain), co-managed by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Barcelona) and Ediciones Asimétricas.
- 2019 / Member of AESOP (Association of European Schools of Planning) Thematic group Public Spaces and Urban Cultures.
- 2016-ongoing / Consultant and Advisor for UN-Habitat’s Global Public Space Programme.
- 2008-ongoing / Member of the Examining Board as an Expert in Urban Planning and Design for the Italian qualification to practice as a licensed Architectural Engineer at the School of Engineering and Architecture, University of Bologna (Italy).
ON THE PRESS (online)

- 2024 / European Prize for Urban Public Space (Spain)
- 2022 / Ajman Municipality and Planning Department (United Arab Emirates)
- 2019 / Green Building Council South Africa (Africa)
- 2018 / Pratt Institute (USA)
- 2018 / KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden)
- 2018 / QUT Queensland University of Technology (Australia)
- 2016 / Lebanese American University (Lebanon)
- 2023 / La Repubblica
- 2022 / Bologna 24 ore
- 2021 / Il Giornale dell’Arte
- 2021 / Centodieci
- 2021 / Ansa Cultura
- 2021 / Exibart
- 2021 / Artribune
- 2019 / Centro servizi per il volontariato Città Metropolitana di Bologna